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    Tuesday, 2 June 2015

    The Oldest Man In The History Of Mankind

    The 179 years old Mahashta Mûrasi who hails from india is the oldest man alive , He claims to be born 1838 and he is listed in the guinness book of record as the oldest man in the history of mankind . He was born 6th Of January 1835 in Bangalore
    , Mahashta who lived and work in Varanasi  in 1903 where he retire at age 122 , His official document verified his age , Mûrasi who said death has forgotten him has lost all hopes death , Mûrasi prays for death when most people are very scared of death , He also mention his grand children died few years back .

    It was reported in Ethiopia in 2013 that the oldest man was Mr Ebba , He was an elder and farmer  and claims to be 160 year old although his age was not properly verified because his birth certificate was not provided then to verify his real age now he was the only one that lived longer in his generation and talk about some one stories that happen long years back which was quite incredible like the popular 8-day horseback trek from his house near Dodola town to the capital of Addis Ababa which takes some hours now which he narrated to a TV reporter ,
    He also has similar stories with Mûrasi who saw his great grand child grow  from child to adulthood and he is a native of Oromo .

    Remember Methuselah who lived for 969 years , which you would find this in the Holy Bible in the Old Testament  (Genesis 5:7) He is the oldest human that lived ever  , His father was an Enoch and he walked with God , Lamech is the son of Methuselah and died at 777 years (Genesis 5:31) after bearing Noah .
    Methuselah which means when he dies, judgment , a prophetic name Methuselah who died in the same year God judged the sinful world with flood in the day’s of Noah

    According To Older Ones Who Live Long These Are Proven Way To Live Long
    •    Believe In God
    •    Don’t Drink Alcohol Or Take Other Harmful Drugs ; Cannabis, Cocaine , Caffeine, Amphetamines , Hallucinogens , Ecstasy , Nicotine are harmful drugs that have devastating effects to physical health in human which kills faster
    •    Stress kills one faster  also , when you overwork yourself and worry yourself too much , this is not good for your over all health
    •    Being social is critical also essential for your health , Having a strong social group also enhances longer life and especially  having fun or great times with friends and family.
    •    Genetics also plays an important role when talking about living long  . If your parents had long lives, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will too, but it more likely for offspring to live long.
    •    Choosing the right diet that works for you , A diet may be perfect for someone based on their needs, lifestyle, and their food preferences while the same diet may not work for you , so eating health food also enhance your health

                                                     How Long Do You Want To Live ?
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