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    Thursday 20 July 2017

    Lipstick: If you have black lips Try these 2 natural remedies and get red lips immediately

    Lipstick: If you have black lips Try these 2 natural remedies and get red lips immediately

    Black lips can also be triggered by skin disorders, chemical factors and other lifestyle factors, while skin lighteners and cosmetic reactions can cause the same problem. These 2 remedies work to make them lighter

    Black lips can be caused by many factors ranging from personal hygiene, diet to many more causes.
    The black lips can also be triggered by skin disorders, chemical and other aspects

    Factors, while skin lighteners and cosmetic reactions can cause the same problem. The lips tend to be naturally lighter in some areas because the melanin on this part of the lip is much less compared to the rest of the body.

    The black lips can also be triggered by skin disorders, chemical factors and other lifestyle factors

    Black lips can also be triggered by skin disorders, chemical factors and other lifestyle factors (Cosmopolitan). These two home remedies work if you want lighter lips:
    1. With beetroot
    The beet is loaded with natural bleaching properties that allow lightening of the black lips without side effects. The red color also helped make the lips stiffer and lighter.

    - Remove fresh beetroot juice
    - Apply by gently massaging on clean lips just before bedtime to be left overnight
    - Wash the next morning
    - Repeat it every day at night
    2. With lemon
    Lemon works well for lightening. It works to lighten the skin naturally as well as a treatment of dark spots.
    - Squeeze the lemon to release the juice
    - Apply juice to clean lips just before bedtime

    These are home remedies for red lips

    1. Mix your lips with aloe vera gel to treat the dry lips, removing the tinctures from the lips and lips.
    The antioxidants in the aloe gel are very
    Effective for lightening black lips and
    Making it pink. Take an aloe gel
    And gently massage it to the lips for 15
    Minutes, then wash it using
    Hot water.

    2. Since lemon is a natural cleanser, it cleans the dirt on the lips, making it and looks alike. Citric acid in lemon acts as a bleaching agent for the skin. Take fresh lemon juice and rub it on your lips. This will help cleanse your lips and the vitamin C present in the lemon lightenes the lips by making it pink. Orange juice and bark are also rich in vitamin C which is useful for lightening the black lips.

    3. Cream of milk is full of nutrients and
    The moisture makes it one of the best remedies for lightening the complexion of the lips. Take milk and add rose petals. Now let cool in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Remove it and gently massage it on the lips. Now sit on the lips for 15 minutes, then wash them. The mixture of milk and rose petal will roll your lips in a few days.

    4. Olive oil mixed with honey and lemon juice makes the lips red and gives it a seductive effect. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and moisture that makes the lips shiny and soft. Apply this oil to the lips before sleeping and repeat it for a few days. Soon, you will notice that your lips is gradually recovering.
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    5. Cucumbers are rich in skin lightening properties and plenty of water that help to make the lips moist and pink. Take a slice of cucumber and keep it on the lips every day for 15 minutes.

    Avoid this:

    1. Avoid smoking. Smoking not only deteriorates health, but makes the lips dark.
    2. Do not absorb excess tea and
    coffee. Caffeine is an important factor for black lips.
    3. Do not expose yourself to the sun. The constant exposure of the UV rays leads to deaf lips. The lip balm with at least 15 SPA should be applied to the lips if you are out in the sun.
    4. Avoid licking lips as this can make the lips dry and destemmed.
    5. Eat foods to nourish the skin with
    Minerals to make the lips beautiful. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals that nourishes our skin.
    6. Try to consume up to 8 glasses of water as this will help keep the skin smooth smooth and prevent it from drying out.

    -Use it every day until

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    Item Reviewed: Lipstick: If you have black lips Try these 2 natural remedies and get red lips immediately Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Ajakaiye Oluwafemi Faith
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