Saturday, 8 April 2017

Abdulmumin Jibrin Apologises for Calling on Pres. Buhari to Resign

Jibrin gave the advise via his twitter handle. He says pictures of President Buhari that have been released in recent times, shows a man that seriously needs home care and not someone that should be burdened with office work. He says President Buhari should be advised to resign and then allowed to nominate someone who can be Vice President. He also advised that Aisha Buhari should be given a position in the cabinet as she has paid her dues in APC. Read more of his tweets from bottom up after the cut...
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Item Reviewed: Abdulmumin Jibrin Apologises for Calling on Pres. Buhari to Resign Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Ajakaiye Oluwafemi Faith